Monday, April 19, 2010

friends are everywhere. but true friends..?

when a person tells me something, i take what they say at face value. i do not infer meaning. i do not hypothesize possible deviations. i simply take their message as their word and then look toward their actions to solidify their words. i trust. this has kept my heart open to all the possibilities in life, but it has also allowed my heart to be broken more times than i can remember by friends who have told me one thing and then later told me another, leaving me confused, unsure of how to keep believing in people.

Time, lessons, learning have all taught me to see things clearer, to see people in less clear cut shapes, to see them in the corners behind trees, their forms ever changing, yet in the end collectively forming an identifiable and definable form.

this kind of friends are everywhere. i know sometimes friends don't tell the truth, because they want to cover the situation so that the other person won't get hurt by his/her actions. but when you get caught on cheating, cheat your beloved ones especially, no matter by words or actions, that will be the worst. shame on you. what you get from the other person is just being dishonestly. do you know what it equals to? just one word. hypocrite. and i have mentioned earlier in my older post, i can't befriends with hypocrite people.

please live your life by being honest. the most common idiom we ever heard, honesty is the best policy. which shows that honest is really needed in life, not just one of friendship's values. let our friendship shines bright. be straight. you get nothing when you live to cover everything from the truth.  explanation is the most preferable ever if you are afraid your actions/words might hurt the other person.

i have mentioned several times. lies are not about your dishonest words only, your actions are also included. your actions ok. it is about your attitude..~~

5 jejak ditinggalkan:

farah dilla said...

ahaha..sebelom kuar umah nk p exam histo...sempat kte belek blog kamu..ish3,ni ape hal plak ni..orng time2 exam ni bg semngt letak doa ke motivasi diri feeling2 plak...dah2,jgn di pikirkan sgt..ehh kte ade dengar,kak samha buat kek pisnag,pastu die mention nama kamu...hahaha...kte tgok k...kak samha bagi kamu ke x?...wakakak..ok2..dah lewat..salam

biyanan jamaludin said...

sabby2,jgn cmni..

sabby sabrina said...

akak, cpt!! da lmbt. hehe. ala akak, sy letak motivation kt ym da la. xkn hri2 nk post bnd yg sme kt blog. xmenarik la. :D lgpn, mmg terase nk post. hmm..akak. nk kek. xkn ckp je. xbaek taw buat kte terliur da. :(

biyanan, tu sume facts dlm kehidupan taw. huuuu~

Unknown said...

oo..ko cmtu..kalo aku..once i accepted him/er as a friend..ape yg dia ckp aku akn pcaya la...
meaning here aku mmg mudah pcaya kt kwn2 aku..
plus..aku ni agak straight

jd..if it turns out the other way that his/er spoken words..mmg aku tak ska sgt la..(..benci lg..) ko ni byk psl bnda yg aku pnah lalu..:P

either way..kalo a fren of mine tu hipokrit..even aku maafkn dia..i'll trust him/er no more..

sabby sabrina said...

yes muhsin, i DO trust my friends. sape ckp ak x trust. kn ak ckp kt ats, ak accept ape org tu ckp, den tgk la action dia plak. den ak tau la sme de dia ckp serupa bikin ke x. n ak straight ok, that's why ak slalu ckp, "ak xske, ak ckp".
tapi ble dia ckp laen, den ckp laen, n buat laen, mne ley nk caye da. xkn xpnah dga cte musang dengan aym. (erkk..ak pn x igt cte bntg ape. tp ending dia kn last2 umah terbakar xde sape nk caye n tlg da. hehe)
last part tu, spe je kte, sdgkn nabi muhammad s.a.w maafkn umat dia. ak pn maafkn je. tp cayelah, relationship tu xkn jadi rpt as before da..~~
ouh, another one thing. kn ko ckp ape ak post, mst ko pnah lalui kn. ak post bdasarkn pengalaman. nk ckp yg sume tu adalah facts dlm kehidupan..

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