Saturday, April 17, 2010

do you know what it feels like?

why is a person changing?
there are always reasons for all the things that happened.
i dislike awkwardness.. that's why i'd rather prefer people to tell me what and where is going wrong..
either the blame is on me or on the person him/herself.
and i am that type of person ok, i tak suka i cakap.
tapi bila dah tak larat nak cakap tu, maknanya dah fed-up la.
"i do/say something only when i care."
"if i stop, that means i don't care anymore."
it's true when people say
"Silence is the true friend that never betrays."
the thing is we can't neglect that

“Spiteful words can hurt your feelings but silence breaks your heart.”
p/s: to be the last person to know is the thing that i hate the most~~

9 jejak ditinggalkan:

kak dilla said...

alahai..time exam cmni la...dtg balik feeling cmni ek??..hahaha..meh dtg umah kite..lalalala

aunishbini said...

alololo sabby ngapain deh?
i do know what it feels like...

sabby sabrina said...

to kak dila: insyaAllah lpas prac sy dtg std utk written sme2 ngn akk ea. boleh? :)

to auni: hmm..dont u know? adey. 1st point, ble kte org yg last tau bout smthg kn, dr someone, which means dia da bgtau org lain dlu, last skali br kte, nmpk sgt la kte the least important kn pd org tu. sbb tu gtaw kte pn last mnt. so ape perasaan,kalo kte tau org tu x appreciate kte as much as dia appreciate org lain? cdey kn. hukhuk.
2nd point, ble someone tu dah keeps silence, mknenye there's something missing somewhere. cne nk hidop happy kalo smthg incomplete? btol x? huuu~

Unknown said...

stuju weh..(btw ni post ke 2, yg 1st ilang ke mna tah..huuu~)
aku rsa aku da kerap sgt jd bnda cmni..kekerapan tu smpai 1 thp yg aku takleh tolerate bla org bwat cmni..mcm annoyed gler.. :P

sabby sabrina said...

yerp! and the worst is when the person that he/she cares doesn't care about him/her at all. fhm x? dia lg care org yg da xcare kt dia, tp kte tolak tepi dlu. :(
(tp ak xde la smpy thp bnci cm ko lg la) :D

TokBomoh said...

sabar2..setiap perkara ada hikmahnya..tidak lengkap iman seorang mukmin selagi tidak diuji.. =)

sabby sabrina said...

sabar pun ada limitnya. kalau sekali, bole la trime. ble da byk kali kene tu la,sedey tu.. :(

~dek ama~ said...

sabar ye,wahai shbt..kdg2 kt ni xsuka sesuatu..sdg ia baik utk kdg2 kt suka sesuatu tp xbaik pon utk kt..salam imtihan wat shbt ku,sabby..sayang kamu..

rindu kat kamu juga..lame xjumpe da..hihi..doakn kjyaan sume ye..wasalam..

sabby sabrina said...

ok esteq, da lega cket da. mekaseh :)
esok jmp la..xde rndu2 da :D
all the best!
insyaALLAH sume najah.ameen~

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