Monday, April 12, 2010

the truth is not true

there was one night when i talked to my father. he asked me to take the greatest care of my health. i was quite suspicious with his statement but i just took it easily.

then i went to see my 2nd brother and he asked me, just the same what my father did. i can't help myself to know more. so, i forcibly asked him and he told me that i'll be undergoing an operation, arm operation because there's something wrong with my hand, which means it can no longer be used (cause dia macam sebab diabetes, tapi diabetes bukan ke kena remove kaki ke?erkk..). and he added that my father will be the donor to replace my hand.

so.. he advised me to:
# be alert of what i consume daily
# use 'my father's hand' wisely
# not disappoint my father in whatever my doings, especially when using his hand

ok people, i am glad that all of it was only a dream!! syukur, alhamdulillah. ni sume tidur siang a.k.a lepas asar punya pasal. i couldn't help myself to stay awake because of my dizziness suddenly came again. after taking 2 pills of panadol acti-fast and 2 pills of baraka (nigella sativa oil), then i syahid. :D

let's take the dream from the bright side. realitinya, memang itulah nasihat abah saya bila menjelang minggu peperiksaan. sejak saya berada di sekolah asrama lagi. mesti dia pesan; jaga solat.. baca quran.. tidur cukup.. jangan stay-up.. waktu tidur la maklumat proses jadi ingatan.. jaga makan.. jangan diet.. nanti nak belajar pun takde energy..

ouh, abah saya memang pantang kalau saya diet. pernah dia cakap macam ni, "nak diet sangat buat apa? nanti langgar meja sikit pun dah rapuh tulang tu, tak kuat sebab nutrient tak cukup". (padahal saya tak pernah diet pun, berat turun sendiri) ahaha. agak lawak kan, tapi tu lah, he cares. :) so jangan la cakap saya gemuk ke apa, tak nak diet lah. lagipun BMI saya normal apa; 20.1. *wink*. biarpun tembam. itu aset ok. :D

even it was only a dream, i can't neglect my brother's advice. it sounded very real to me. insyaAllah sabby tak kecewakan family sabby sume. :)

huhu. rindunya~

p/s: abang, jom balik summer break ni :)

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