Thursday, April 29, 2010

lovely Maizatul Azamiah Muhibin

Dear Zaza,

you don't know how much i appreciate you as a friend of mine.
or i shall say as a good, close friend.
remember the first time we met.
we were on the way back to mansoura from CICC program in cairo.
at that time, i was talking to ulfah.
and you just sat silently among us, listening to our conversation.
i didn't even know you but i didn't feel uneasy at all.
strange right?
maybe that was the chemistry between us. :)
soon as we arrived in mansoura, ulfah and i, not to forget, tasya,
were heading straight away to your house to know where you live,
in fact it was already midnight.
and you even offered us to rent at your house because it was still vacant at that time.
of course la neither of us yang nak. 
*kitorang dah bayar kat gmn untuk setahun pulakkk*

we got to know each other better.
we did have a 'clique' once; tashdiq translation.
ouh, how i missed that time, seven of us.
we played bowling.. gaming.. watching movies (me excluded).. shopping.. eating.. starbucks and even skipping dr. atef's cvs lecture on the following day. 
"kalau family saya baca ni, mati" :-S
at first we were damned worried because we didn't plan at all to stay for another day.
but that was the only option we had, and we were able to make our time joyous and unforgettable.

when i was through my hard times, i went to look for you.
i slept over at your house, to feel a little secure.
not once, but more.
i was grateful because not only you accepted me, all of your housemates understood my condition,
at times no one else could accept me and give some protection.
there was one day, at your house,
you suddenly held my hand (faham-fahamlah u),
and we were spontaneously laughing at burst.
*sumpah gile lawak time tu*
though it wasn't funny at all,
we did have fun when we were together right.
the best part was when we hung out together in mansoura,
padahal mansoura takde pape pun.
*this one i can't elaborate more* :D

you were always full of secrets.
*yang tak tahan bila u dah terlepas and either i or ulfah nak korek, mesti u suruh claim at year 4*.
ok zaza, now it is in black-and-white in my blog,
for sure i won't forget to claim.
siap u nanti. ;)
how i missed gossiping with you dear.
telling these stories and those,
sampai kena marah dengan kak fathiah.
hehe. "we were at the midst of final exam pulakk."
sharing these tips and those.
studied together.. stayed-up.. and fell asleep at almost subuh..
pastu kak fathiah lah yang tegar gerak suruh bangun solat :D
masa tu rumah dekat, boleh la nak datang selalu kan.
now we are separated by more than 5 streets (between galaa and rabi' street, i xtau ada bape streets), susah lerr.

u always told me that, 
"u are lucky coz u have awesome friends who loves u.."
do you know why?
because you are one of them.
seriously dear, my awesome friends wouldn't complete without you.
i'll always pray for this everlasting relationship.
friends eternally~

ouh, what's the point i bebel-ing all of these?
the reason is.. i just want you to know, how much i appreciate our friendship, even more the words can say.
now you know.
so on your big day today, i would like to list down all good wishes for you.      
but if i do so, my fingers wouldn't stop typing.
hopefully the mampu-listed-wishes are enough;  

wish you:-
# happy 20th birthday. now you are already twen-TY, tua dah. hakhak.
# to always be at tip-top health, don't skip baraka. :D
# always murah rezeki, boleh shopping selalu. *wink*
# to succeed in your life now and ever.
# to get married before graduating. u nk kn? ;)
# to be happy ever after~~
# ouh, last but not least, all the best for the final exams. mumtaz yok! :)

eyh kejap.
nak selitkan sikit gambar your birthday celebration 
on 28th april 2010, at 5.00 p.m.

venue: slamlek restaurant




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